Welcome. Lemme tell you, you might be MISSING a few things.

Most advanced, effective & complete guide to
Metamorph into a HYPER-VALUABLE MAN

Most advanced, effective & complete guide to Metamorph into a HYPER-VALUABLE MAN

The strongest survive.

Women only choose the most valuable men.

They instinctively look for the perfect individual to breed with.

F*** depression, f*** weakness.

There’s no other choice.

Life is what it is.

This is ONLY for the most competent,
most determined
and most intelligent of you.

This is ONLY for the most competent, most determined and most intelligent of you.

Primary GOALS:

  1. Be totally hyper-valuable
  2. Be crushing life

Secondary GOALS:

  • Women’s interest
  • Exceptional sexual life
  • Respect
  • Admirability
  • Freedom
  • Satisfaction

Why this is a MUST.

We have tried everything under the Sun.

The “proven” tips and tricks to win social interactions.

(That made us feel awkward and didn’t work.)

We’ve been undergoing pain and expended energy to no avail.

(Surprise, surprise!)

(It doesn’t work to just “go out and socialize”!)

Literally everyone tells us to become a BAD GUY.

While… doesn’t it feel off?


Because being “bad” is just the worst long term strategy.

Totally unsustainable approach.

Works only with low quality women.

We aim for brutal hyper-valuability in the long-term!

We’ve put time and effort into practicing advice that just didn’t work.

If you’re like I was…

You might feel you’re missing something.

(And you probably ARE if you’re still reading.)

(Why else would worse people get better results than you do.)

Every one out there offers “quick and easy” solutions.

NO. You know how this game works, don’t you? 👍

The big things take effort.

And thought-through strategy.

My issues with existing resources:

People give advice. No one tells us the priciples. How to “feel” the interaction? How to “feel” what to say?

People tell us what it means to be e.g. masculine. How do THEY know? You will be able to tell yourself.

Advice everywhere. But how to ACTUALLY CHANGE? How to REWIRE our brains? No data out there, huh?

Total chaos. So much to learn. No clear step-by-step guide. We have to lose time and score figuring all this out by ourselves.

All the info scattered across the internet. No complete resource taking men from hated outcasts to unstoppable winners.

And much more. Not that I’m not grateful. It’s just that the existing advice is SO underdeveloped.

How can I verbalize my mission:

I want to provide capable men with the best means
to maximize their VALUE and WIN AT LIFE.

I want to provide capable men with the best means to maximize their VALUE and WIN AT LIFE.

While I believe in the exceptionality of my teachings, I’m still just a human being, just like you.

Everything I will teach you is the most advanced knowledge about maximizing your life-long value as a man.

I’m no longer painfully lonely, sexless, weak and worthless, hated piece of failure.

No longer disrespected. No longer feminine. No longer unsuccessful.

Notillum is much more than a distillate of the best self-help advice.

Obviously, I’ve been influenced by many from the self-help community.

I’m very grateful for their advice.

And while giving you just the distillate of their teachings would be of great value, I won’t just repeat what others have already said.

My approach is much more refined and totally overpowered.

Much easier to follow.

Structured, so you don’t lose time figuring out what to practice first.

Complete, so you are fully equipped in every crucial area of conquering life.


On the deepest level of human personality.

This is the deepest transformational resource I know of.

Penetrating your subconscious mind and specific beliefs.

Combining neuro-linguistic programming, Jungian psychology and indigenous knowledge of the human existence and the social.

And every single resource I encountered…

On top of that, I’ve been ALWAYS focused on maximizing LONG-TERM, HOLISTIC results.

(Unfortunately, I’m a perfectionist and want my personality and results to be totally unprecedented as well…)

I’ve never seen any resource going so deep and being so focused on sustainable perfection in every area of life.

I’ve spent the last 10 years analyzing myself, others, situations, social dynamics, emotions, free & paid self-help advice.

I’ve been experimenting. Finding out what works just once and what works every single time.

Which advice comes with consequences and side effects…

And which advice truly makes you a holistically hyper-valuable winner.


generally depressed, painfully lonely, anxious, attempted suicide, disliked, disrespected, weak, feminine, sexless, physically unhealthy, abusing substances, awkward, anger issues, lost in life


always getting better, fulfilled, happy, understanding emotion, desired, team leader, making money, physically healthy, great sex life, being respected, driven, purposeful, disciplined

Today, I might seem like a regular guy.

Don’t let this impression fool you, my friend. :))

Before you decide:

I’ll be very honest with you.

You WILL HAVE TO learn about emotions.

You already assumed that.

Inevitably, this part won’t be entirely “logical”!

I’m totally logic based. BUT!

Emotions are tools of our brain. Shortcuts for faster comprehension.

Just making sure abandoning pure logic is not too big of a challenge for you.

ALSO: You need very high imaginative abilities and very developed abstract thinking.

Otherwise, you won’t understand what I talk about.

YOU are the ONLY one who can STOP you.

now in presale for €53 (later €239)


You want to finally seize everything you deserve.

Get recognized as the winner you are.

Be totally hyper-valuable.

You want men to respect and admire you.

Women to crave you and desire to breed with you.

First, let’s understand what makes a man desirable:

  • Strength
  • Ability to provide and protect
  • Status
  • Money
  • Looks
  • Strong frame
  • Integrity
  • Health
  • Ability to make others feel good
  • Brain power
  • And a bazillion of other things…

It’s a lot.

Doesn’t matter.

We’ll focus on everything.

Together, we will MAX OUT all these aspects.

Is there any other resource
making you an ultimate winner in every area of life?

Is there any other resource
so holistic to win at everything simultaneously?

If you know of such,
I’ll be very glad to have it sent to yourguide@notillum.com :))

How to Achieve Holistic Victory over Life

Know YOURSELF better than anything in the world.

Get full control over your mind. Maximal control over your body. Your mind and body are your most valuable assets. You’ll become TOP 1% communicator with your mind and body. You’ll be managing your inner forces like an eastern guru.

People are addicted to integral personalities. Get INTEGRITY.

I’ll talk about evolution a lot. Evolutionarily, people want to feel safe. Who they feel safe with? With someone they “think” they know. So… build your integrity. For real. This is rare, people love it. Plus – integral personalities are much more efficient in any striving, as everything within them is aligned.

Master SOCIAL skills to the point of interaction predictability.

To win, you need people. Influence people. Know what to say. People have to become PREDICTABLE to you. Otherwise, you’ll stay stuck in trial and error. Interactions can be predicted. It’s just a skill. Learnable like any other one.

Harness EMOTIONS as the rational way to win.

I resented emotions. Irrational. Useless. Chaotic. Stupid. Undisciplined. It was my biggest breakthrough. Emotions were CRUCIAL in my success. People fall for them so easily. They are so useful in interaction comprehension. There are very specific techniques to get skilled at using these ancient tools.

HEALTH is sexy. Governments want you to stay sick.

Obviously, women predominantly choose healthy men. A “real” secret: Average men are kept unhealthy by censorship and propaganda. I’ll explain it within the guide. For now, believe there are stupidly easy ways to go from getting sick every month to not being sick for years (that’s specifically my case).

Max your SATISFACTION in life. Cover all your needs.

Now, you’re on a way to win. To wipe out everyone who doesn’t believe in you. To cover your most intense urges. Once you’re there, there will be other needs to satisfy. This is why I hate those one-sided approaches: “Get girllzz, ouhuu!”. Yes, get girls, get laid. But that doesn’t make you a holistic winner, does it?

Comprehend SEXUALITY like no one else.

It’s the driving force, isn’t it? Everything is wrapped around sexuality. Around reproduction. Women are so sexual. They want it. Badly. Learn how to direct your sexual energy. How to be sexual in today’s society. How to make women’s sexuality fight and cry and bleed for you.

Use RELATIONSHIPS to get what you couldn’t get otherwise.

You want something. Someone else can help you to get it. And they want something as well. Relationships are based on value exchange. The key is to understand what the other side values. How to deliver it. How to make yourself the #1 provider to get it all back.

Learn to navigate the INTERACTION complexity.

People are brutally unaware of what influences them. Their reactions are subconscious. Instinctual. Primal. Interactions are all about triggering subconscious patterns. Action and reaction. Is it complex? Yes. Does it pay off to learn to navigate subconscious reactions during an interaction? Absolutely.

Reap the glory of the beloved LEADER.

You wanna be the winner? You gotta be a leader. Listen! That doesn’t mean “businessman” or “manager” or anything like that. Leader is a mindset. There are employees who are better leaders than many businessmen. Good news – today’s leaders are lame. With Notillum, you’ll become an integral leader. Such leaders are very rare. Very loved. Very admired. Very valuable. Very desired.

The biggest mistake is to follow one-sided solutions.

Being rich is worthless if you have a repulsive personality.

Being funny doesn’t save it if you can’t provide what the woman needs.

Being powerful is useless if no one is willing to fight for you.

You see?

Women want the BEST INDIVIDUAL in all of these aspects combined.

They are programmed to seek the most perfect man.

The best women only dream of the holistically hyper-valuable men.

WHO else teaches this?

WHERE else will you learn the basics for this?

HOW will you set your mind to achieve this?

This is what nobody wants to share. (Not that much of a surprise.)

Finally cover ALL your needs at once

All the existing resources focus on a single need.

Almost always damaging the holistic victory through unhealthy patterns.

E.g., the “bad guy” pattern.

It helps to get unworthy women fast – great!

But it destroys your integrity, potential for true intimacy, your worth of respect AND your overall value.

That’s why there’s a need for a complex solution.

Ehm, for example… Notillum or… oh, there are no other solutions like that. Damn. :((

A possible downside of Notillum

If you want to f*** girls, go ahead and buy a pickup course.

You might get the result faster.

(Tho I doubt it will help you to get any results at all. For me it didn’t. Ever.)

But you will undermine other areas of your life.

With Notillum, it might take a little longer to get a woman.

But you will DOMINATE life once.

The choice is yours.


The one who takes the pickup course might win the battle.

The one who takes the Notillum guide wins the war.

In both cases, women will chase you and you will have to break tens of hearts.

But in one case, you will be crushing girls.

In the other, you will be crushing girls… AND life.

Notillum guide is only for the most determined fighters.

It’s not a mediocre solution for average people.

It’s only for very intelligent, OPEN-MINDED men with highly abstract thinking who crave to WIN AT LIFE.

Even if you think it’s for you, let me tell you this:

You will probably fail.

You will lose patience.

It might be too hard to understand for you.

It might be simply too much.

Maybe not!

But honestly – I’m doing this because there are men who need this.

But most of them won’t succeed.

For this reason, you can request money-back
within the first 40 days.

BUT I WILL ASK YOU WHY ARE YOU QUITTING before I give you any money back.

ATTENTION! The guide is in presale.

You are one of the FIRST people coming across this guide.

My plans are clear – if enough men want this, I’ll record the rest of it.

(If I won’t record the rest of it, I’ll obviously refund everyone.)

Creating this takes s***load of time and effort.

I need to see people are interested enough to buy this.

Presale price will go up as more % of the guide is recorded.

You’ll get an immediate access to all the resources created up until now right behind the paywall.

YOU are the ONLY one who can STOP you.

now in presale for €53 (later €239)

One day, they’ll say: “Geez... He actually did it!”

Of course you did it!

You had it within you all the freaking time.

You came to the right resources.

At the right time.

Adopted the right realizations.

Did the right practice.

And now you let them see where you got yourself!

They have no clue how you did it.

They have no idea what Mental Circuits Programming is.

They have no idea you’re designing your own mind every single day.

They can’t believe you improved so much.

It’s totally insane how you went from an outcast to absolutely hyper-valuable and admired.

They listen when you talk.

They text you when they miss you.

They all are totally predictable and you’re just rising and rising and f***ing :)) and f***ing rising.

But now. They make love. You sit home alone.

Another friend in a relationship. Talking about how great the sex was.

Most outcasts stay undesired their whole life.

Even with all the “self-help”.

They stay sexless. Disrespected. Unworthy.

Because they’ve wasted all their energy on “tips & tricks”.

You’re in this alone – you know it. For some reason, people just don’t want you.

Therefore, they won’t even try to help you. Will they?

Most people will be getting rejected again and again.

The longer you suffer, the worse your brain health gets.

The harder it is to escape this.

Until you can’t escape anymore.

I managed to get out of this just due to an unlikely coincidence.

Right influences and right realizations at the right time and a great intuition.

Most of the self-help is for average people looking to get a little better.

Not to transform their life from the very foundations.

You’re ready.
So what does Notillum consist of?


Nearly 500 theory lessons.
Split into 22 thematic sections.
Estimated length over 40 hours.

1) Introduction 2) Setting the Perspective 3) Discovering Yourself 4) Stabilizing Yourself 5) Mental Circuits Programming 6) Your Origin 7) Setting The Foundation 8) Mindset Change 9) People 10) Interactions 11) Emotions 12) Settling the New Mindset I. 13) Health 14) Advanced Self-Discovery 15) Positivity & Playfulness 16) Advanced Interactions 17) Focus on People 18) Relationships 19) Sexuality 20) Becoming the Best Provider 21) Settling the New Mindset II. 22) Your Next Steps

No more wondering “HOW DO I LEARN XYZ?”
All the exercises were already designed and tested.

Over 100 practical exercises.

Some are easy, some challenging. Some don’t require much action, some are heavily action-focused. Sorry for the inconvenience. It’s just what you need.

PEOPLE SKILLS are evolutionarily WIRED within our brains.
And the WINNER CIRCUITS as well.

Over 100 mental circuits.

As a part of the Mental Circuits Programming. Literally a life-hack.

You wanna CONSTANTLY WIN, right?
So you gotta do a CONSTANT ACTION.

13 life-changing routines.

You might hate a routine or you might love it. Paradoxically, routines make the difference between passing, meaningless days and the productive days of hyper-valuable men.

With all this, Notillum is probably the most transformative self-improvement guide on the planet.

The price is set at €239.

Cause I know you’re all BROKIES, hah!

Makes me mad, my first calculation was €489.

It already took me literally months on full-time.

And a whole team of developers.

But I wouldn’t sell anything for that price.

— Presale €53.

You will have to REVISE OFTEN.
I want it not to be such a pain for you.

Mental circuits printable cheat-sheet.
Practical exercises printable cheat-sheet.
Excerpts for each section.

I have my favorite mental circuits actually drawn on a wall in my bedroom!

Unfortunately, I can’t personally review ALL
your assignments. But I’ll review 1 for free.

Personal review of 1 assignment of your choice.

You can buy additional reviews for all the other assignments for a fee if you find it valuable.

Build relationships (read EXCHANGE VALUE)
with men who want to surpass you.

Notillum communities on Discord and Facebook.

Obviously, you’re not alone in this guide. Don’t resent it. Milk it.

What are the steps now?

Visualize. Where do you want Notillum to take you? Make it sensual. Skin to skin. Night. Breath. Drive. Victory. Power.

Click the button “LET’S FIGHT!”.

Fill out and submit the form. You’ll get redirected to a Thinkific paywall. (Thinkific = course hosting platform.)

You’ll have to complete the payment on Thinkific (using Stripe).

All the videos and resources will be accessible through the Thinkific platform. I don’t have my own hosting setup.

Mind that the guide is still being recorded. New videos are released every week.

Society wants you WEAK.

Life is cruel.

Society mystifies people to think they can afford to be weak.


It would be dangerous for them.

It would make them feel like losers.

Society is getting castrated.

And women are just as cruel as the life itself.

They pick the man who gives them the most.

Clocks are ticking.

Your brain is getting more and more rigid.

Your energy wears off.

You can’t afford to put in the effort for nothing.

If you agree this is the best way to grow…

If you are willing to change yourself…

If you agree the holistic approach is always better…

If you are intelligent, competent and imaginative…

If you are determined, open-minded and unsatisfied with life…

If you believe you can do this…

Act NOW…


Enter the light
or stay in the darkness.

now in presale for €53 (later €239)


That’s it. You don’t need anything else. Go hard or go home.

Great respect for your decision.

Let’s do it.

Today €239 €53
for a LIFETIME access